Birth Doula - Taranaki
1. During Pregnancy
3-4 Visits during your pregnancy
These visits include:
Birth mapping (creating a detailed guide for your birth team that goes beyond a birth plan and puts you far more in control of your birth experience)
Addressing any fears or concerns you have about pregnancy, birth or early parenting
Debriefing past birth experiences or birth stories in your family
Education around breastfeeding
Providing comfort measures and strategies for you to use throughout labour
Providing relevant evidence-based information
Education around the role hormones of labour and the criteria for an undisturbed birth
Pregnancy exercises to help your baby get into an optimal position for birth.
Planning for your postpartum period
Text/email and phone support
On-call 24/7 from 2 weeks before your estimated due date until after your baby arrives

2. During Labour & Birth
I am present at your labour and birth from the point you consider you need some extra support, reassurance and another pair of hands until your little one is snuggled in your arms.
I will meet with you either at your home or your place of birth
I will remain with you throughout your birth, providing reassurance, emotional support and non-medical forms of pain relief such as counter pressure, massage, and rebozo techniques etc.
I will help to protect your safe and calm birthing environment
I will support your birth partner(s) and help them to be a part of the birth
I can help you liaise with your medical birth professionals if required and support you in gaining the information you require to make informed decisions
After your baby is born I will usually stay for 1-2 hours, until you are settled and have had your first feed together
I provide compassionate and non-judgmental
support in all birth settings and situations.
Below is an outline of how I help:
3. After Birth
I will visit you in your home ideally within one week after your baby’s birth. This visit is really about supporting you in whichever way you need.
This may include:
Debriefing your birth story
Making sure that feeding is off to a good start
Answer any questions you may have about the care and well-being of your newborn
Referrals to other services as required
Birth is such an incredibly significant occasion in your life. Being invited into your birth space is an absolute privilege that I do not take lightly.

Postpartum Doula Support
My services include:
Home visits
Breastfeeding support
Biologically normal infant sleep information
Nourishing meals
Light cleaning
Emotional support
Prenatal planning sessions
Listening to and helping to process your birth story
Referals to other services
And more
Investment: $295 per 3 hour session
Gift vouchers are available - what a wonderfully thoughtful present for an expecting family!

When I was pregnant with my first child, I recall people trying to explain to me the magnitude of the transition to motherhood and just not quite being able to grasp how massive it would be. How different I would feel, how suddenly I would no longer be able to do what I used to do, and how I would not have the energy I used to have.
I would be a different person. I would be reborn.
The fourth trimester is a time when housework and cooking should be left to those around you so that the only things that you must do are rest, restore, learn and bond with your baby. I will walk alongside you and tend to what needs doing so you are free to focus on your healing and recovery.
As a postpartum doula, my support is tailored to your family's needs and can include practical aspects such as making meals, tidying up and folding washing, through to helping siblings adjust to their new baby, providing a listening ear and supporting you to create your village so that you can relax and enjoy your family.